
Ways to Teach Your Child Gratitude – Plus Tips for Teens

                      Start a daily gratitude tradition. Go around the dinner table and share something that you are grateful for that day or incorporate it into bedtime routine. For little kids, you might ask “What is one thing that you liked about today?” Another variation on […]

Ways to Teach Your Child Gratitude – Plus Tips for Teens Read More »

Raising Kids with Gratitude: Why Going From “Gimme” to “Thank You” Is Important For Your Child’s Health

Gratitude is central to our physical and mental health. Grateful people are healthier, happier, and more satisfied with their lives. They are more resilient and have a higher sense of self-worth. Grateful teens are less likely to abuse alcohol and drugs and less likely to have behavior problems at school. The list goes on and

Raising Kids with Gratitude: Why Going From “Gimme” to “Thank You” Is Important For Your Child’s Health Read More »

Bullying Epidemic in Our Churches?

Until 6 months ago, even with all the campaigning and advocating, I didn’t take today’s “epidemic” of bullying too seriously. I’m ashamed to admit it out loud.  But the truth is, when I read reports of bullying, I dismissed some of it (not all of it) to over-reactive, over-litigious parents and hyper-sensitive children. While there

Bullying Epidemic in Our Churches? Read More »

Teens: Are Yours More Entitled Than Grateful?

My teenager is just NOT grateful for anything we do for him.  I keep trying to introduce gratitude practices into our family dinners, but he just sulks through them.  What can I do?”. But I’ve also been reminded that some gratitude interventions—practices that researchers design to increase gratitude in individuals—don’t always work for everyone.  In

Teens: Are Yours More Entitled Than Grateful? Read More »

Bullied by classmates, this Georgia teen can now bring her service dog ‘Carson’ to school to help her cope

  Bullied by classmates, this Georgia teen can now bring her service dog ‘Carson’ to school to help her cope The other middle school students and ninth-graders told her that no one would miss her if she killed herself. And they dared her to try it. Because she was overweight from a hormone imbalance, she

Bullied by classmates, this Georgia teen can now bring her service dog ‘Carson’ to school to help her cope Read More »